22.03.2023, Köln – Germany, „Radiofrequenz-induzierte-Thermotherapie (RFITT)“ mit Hands on training.
30.11 – 01.12.2017, London – UK, Medical expert training in the field of sleep & rhinology, “RF-Ablation of hypertrophic turbinates.” & “RF Ablation of hypertrophic tonsils vs. tonsillotomy.”
18-19.05.2017, London – UK, Medical expert training in the field of sleep & rhinology, “RF Ablation of hypertrophic tonsils vs. tonsillotomy” & “RF-Ablation of hypertrophic turbinates.”
12.05.2017, Bahrain, Snoring and Sleep Apnea Management in Dentistry, “Hands-On Training and MAD fitting”
20.-21.10.2016, London – UK, Medical expert training in the field of sleep & rhinology, “Tonsil reduction” & “Inferior turbinate reduction”
05.02.2007, Kuala Lumpur – MALAYSIA, Post- Congess Workshop on sleep Disordered breathing, “The role of RFITT in sleep disordered breathing.”
27-28.04.2007, Istanbul – TURKEY, Istanbul Symposium on sleep disordered breathing- diagnostic options and treatment possibilities in ENT clinic and practice, -Diagnosis in sleep medicine-Technology and treatment options in sleep medicine-Presentations of selected cases.
21.01.2006 Istanbul – TURKEY, 3. Turkish Workshop Celon- Bipolar Radyofrekans Simpozyumu, “Horlama ve Uyku- Apnesi teshis ve tedavisinde son gelismeler. Yumusak Damak, Uvula ve Tonsillerde Celon- RFITT uygulamasi.”
22.05.2004 Istanbul – TURKEY, Memorial Hospital 2. Turkish Workshop (Celon) on Bipolar Radiofrequency Induced Thermotherapy RFITT for ENT procedures, “RFITT of nasal turbinates RFITT of the soft palate RFITT survey of different applications & results root of the tongue, palate, uvula, tonsils and nasal polyps with videoshow.”Prof. Dr. Sami Katircioglu Dr. med. Fahri Yildiz.
28.06.2003 Istanbul – TURKEY, Memorial Hospital 1. Turkish Workshop (Celon) on Bipolar Radiofrequency Induced Thermotherapy RFITT for ENT procedures, “RFITT of nasal turbinates RFITT of the soft palate RFITT survey of different applications & results root of the tongue, palate, uvula, tonsils and nasal polyps with videoshow. Case demonstration and LIVE SURGERY”Prof. Dr. Sami Katircioglu Dr. med. Fahri Yildiz.
12.07.2003/19.07.2003/26.07.2003/18.10.2003/21.10.2006/07.06.2008 Köln – GERMANY
PAN-Klinik, „Die Anwendung der bipolaren Radiofrequenz-Induzierten Thermotherapie (RFITT) in der Praxis. Hands on Training with Live Operations.”, Behandlung der Nasenmuschelhyperplasie. Weichgaumenbehandlung bei Schnarchen. Behandlung der hyperplastischen Tonsillen. Kombinationsbehandlung Zungengrund/weicher Gaumen bei Patienten mit OSAS. Live-OP‘s
13-14.09.2002, Köln – GERMANY PAN-Klinik, 2. International Workshop-On minimally invasive bipolar RF-thermotherapy (RFITT) in ENT medicine, -the soft palate (snoring)-the root of the tongue (mild OSAS)-nasal concha hyperplasia-hypertrophic tonsils-pre-operative diagnostic – Live-Surgeries.
15-16.03.2002, Köln – GERMANY PAN-Klinik, 1. International Workshop-Minimally invasive therapies in ENT with Celon Bipolar Thermotherapy (RFITT), -Live-Surgery (Snoring treatment (soft palate) and chronic nasal obstruction (Concha hyperplasia))-Tongue base treatment for OSA patients, first results-Other ENT applications.