17.03.2023, Varna – BULGARIA, International interdisciplinary Alumni and Friends Symposium, „Oral appliances for treating snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. A short Update.“
15.05.2022, Bahrain, The 3rd Gulf Sleep Medicine Conference, „MADs in the Therapy of Snoring and OSA. How I do it?“
02.04.2022, Varna – BULGARIA, Alumni symposium 10 years „Alumni Club and Friends“, Medical University Varna, “Mandibular Advancement Devices for Snoring and Sleep Apnea treatment.“
16.04.2021, Hamburg – GERMANY, 4. Hamburger Interdisziplinäres Symposium. Die Komplexität des Schnarchens, “Wandel bei der Diagnose und Therapie des Schnarchens und OSA aus HNO-Ärztlicher Sicht.“
08.03.2020, Varna – BULGARIA, 4. National Conference on Sleep Medicine with International Participation, “Mandibular Advancement Devices in the Therapy of Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Course with Lecture.”
24.01.2020, Riyadh, SAUDI-ARABIA, Saudi International Dental Conference, “Mandibular Advancement Device in the Treatment of Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.”
13.02.2019, München – GERMANY, Münchner Forum für HNO, “UKPS in der Behandlung von Schnarchen und OSA mit praktischer Übung.“
09.02.2019, Hamburg – GERMANY, 3.Hamburger Interdisziplinäres Symposium. Die Komplexität des Schnarchens, “Wandel bei der Diagnose und Therapie des Schnarchens und OSA aus HNO-Ärztlicher Sicht.“
06.04.2018, München – GERMANY, 9. ISSS – International Surgical Sleep Society Meeting, “Different types of MAD and their respective outcomes – Are there any differences?”
07.02.2018, Hamburg – GERMANY, 5. HNO Hands-on-Nachmittag, “Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Protrusionsschiene beim Schnarchen mit praktischer Übung.“
03.02.2018, Frankfurt – GERMANY, 2. Frankfurter Interdisziplinäres Symposium. Die Komplexität des Schnarchens, “Wandel in der Therapie des Schnarchens und OSA mit dem Schwerpunkt auf vorgefertigte thermoplastische UKPS.“
12.05.2017, Bahrain, Snoring and Sleep Apnea Management in Dentistry, “Diagnosis and Therapy of OSA. Update.” & “Mandibular advancement devices: Indications and Results.”
11.05.2017, Bahrain, BDA meeting for dentists, “Snoring and OSA. MADs’ role in the therapy”
11.02.2017, Frankfurt – GERMANY, 1. Frankfurter Interdisziplinäres Symposium. Die Komplexität des Schnarchens, “Wandel in der Therapie des Schnarchens und OSA mit dem Schwerpunkt auf UKPS.“
25.-27.08.2016, Varna – BULGARIA, Second national symposium on obstructive sleep apnea and snoring with international participation, “Oral appliances in the therapy of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. An update” & “Sleep disordered breathing and turbinate hypertrophy. Therapy options with radiofrequency.”
11.07.2016, Ulm – GERMANY, Qualitätszirkel der HNO-Ärzte, “Wandel in der Therapie der Rhonchopathie und OSA mit Schwerpunkt UKPS”
12.03.2016, Köln – GERMANY, Vereinigung Westdeutscher Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Ärzte, Jahrestagung 2016, “Rhonchopathie im Wandel der letzten Jahrzehnte.”
16.11.2014, Essen – GERMANY, Alfried Krupp Krankenhaus HNO Klinik. BUB-Kurs Schlafbezogene Atmungsstörungen, “Operative Therapie von SBAS in der Praxis.”
17.-18.10.2014, Varna – BULGARIA, First national symposium on obstructive sleep apnea and snoring with international participation, “RFITT in the therapy of snoring and sleep apnea. Principles and techniques, practical tips.” & “Mandibular advancement devices for the therapy of snoring and OSA”.
21.-22.02.2014, Charleston – USA, Charleston Sleep Surgery Symposium, Op. course for minimal invasive snoring surgery.
25.-26.03.2011, Antwerp – BELGIUM, 13 th Symposium on Sleep Related Breathing Disorders, “RFITT: Principles and Techniques.”
22.09.2009, San Diego – USA, AAO – HNSF Annual Meeting, “Treatment of Sleep Disordered Breathing in an office – Setting. Tips from the practice.”
08-09.05.2009, Amsterdam – NEDERLANDS, Surgery, Sleep & Breathing III: An International Symposium, “RFITT – Tips from the Practice”
02.04.2009, Istanbul – TURKEY, 10. İstanbul Masterclass Sempozyumu, „Ben nasıl yapıyorum? Konka yönetimi.“ & „OSA da multilevel Radyofrekans uygulaması. Ben nasıl yapıyorum?“
13.11.2008, Istanbul – TURKEY, 9. İstanbul Masterclass Sempozyumu, “Horlama ve uyku apnesi. Ben nasıl yapıyorum?”
9.-11.12.2008, Kuwait, International Conference for Snoring and obstructive sleep Apnea. Interdisciplinary Approach, „RFITT in improving nasal obstruction due to turbinate hypertrophy“ & „The role of tonsillectomy in children with upper airway obstruction.“
23.09.2008, Chicago – USA, AAO – HNSF Annual Meeting, “Diagnosis of sleep related Breathing Disorders. The role of sleep Endoscopy.”
29.-30.08.2008, Varna – BULGARIA, HNO -Workshop, Minimalinvasive Chirurgie bei schlafbezogenen Atmungsstörungen – RFITT
05.-06.2008, Schwerte – GERMANY, HNO-Workshop Schwerte, “Stufendiagnostik Schnarchen . Bipolare radiofrequenz induzierte Thermotherapie (RFITT) + Live – Surgery”
16.-17.05.2008, Antwerp – BELGIUM, 12′th International Symposium on Sleep Related Breathing Disorders, “Role of RFITT in treatment of snoring and OSAS. Live – Surgery”
23.03.2007, Sofia – BULGARIA, Symposium on Celon-RFITT, “RFITT as minimally invasive therapy in the ENT: Tips from practice.”
05.02.2007, Kuala Lumpur – MALAYSIA, Post- Congress Workshop on Sleep Disordered Breathing, “The role of RFITT in sleep disordered breathing.”
01.-04.02.2007, Kuala Lumpur – MALAYSIA, 26′th ISIAN & MSO – HNS Scientific Meeting – International Symposium on Infection and Allergy of the nose, „Reflux – Laryngitis“ & „The impact of nasal obstruction in sleep disordered breathing.“ & „The role of RF surgery in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnoea.”
09.09.2006, Los Angeles – USA, AAO HNS – Annual Meeting, “Bipolar Radiofrequency induced Thermotherapy ( RFITT ) of the tongue by ventral approach.” Dr.F.Yildiz, Dr.W.Hohenhorst
21.-22.07.2006, Berlin – GERMANY, Celon AG medical instruments – Training zur bipolaren RFITT Celon ENT, “Neue Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Radiofrequenztherapie (RFITT ) im HNO – Bereich.”
07.06.2006, London – UK, The Royal Society of Medicine – Snoring and Sleep Apnoea : New approaches to treatment & AGM, “Bipolar Celon Radiofrequency Treatment in Snorers.”
06.06.2006, Hamburg – GERMANY, Hamburger HNO-Symposium, “Radiofrequenzablation in der Praxis.”
17.-18.02.2006, Antwerp – BELGIUM, 11′th International Symposium on sleep related breathing disordes, “Tonsil Reduction with RFITT.”
21.01.2006, Istanbul – TURKEY, 3. Celon Bipolar Radyofrekans Simpozyumu, “Horlama ve Uyku – Apnesi teşhis ve tedavisinde son gelişmeler. Yumuşak damak , uvula ve tonsillerde Celon – RFITT uygulaması.”
26.10.2005, Augsburg – GERMANY, HNO-Kolloquium, “Minimal invasive Chiurugie bei Rhonchopathie.”
25.-30.06.2005, Rome–ITALY, XXVIII IFOS World Congress, “Treatment of sleep disordered breathing-tips from the practice .”
25.-26.02.2005, Antwerp – BELGIUM, 10′th International symposium on OSAS and snoring, “Multilevel RFITT for the treatment of sleep related breathing disordes.”
22.–23.06.2004, Lisbon- PORTUGAL, International Symposium on Snoring and OSAS, “Bipolar RF-Technology to reduce the volume of hyperplastic palatine tonsils in children. Multilevel RFITT for enhanced snoring treatment: Uvulopalatoplasty with a bipolar cutting device combined with RFITT of the soft palate + Live surgery.”
18.-25.06.2004, Istanbul-TURKEY, 2o’th Congress of the European Rhinologic Society and 23 ‘rd Congress of ISIAN, “RFITT of the Nasal turbinates”.
22.05.2004, Istanbul-TURKEY, 2′nd Turkish Workshop on (Celon) on Bipolar Radiofrequency Induced Thermotherapy RFITT for ENT procedures., “RFITT of nasal turbinates RFITT of the soft palate RFITT survey of different applications & results root of the tongue, palate , uvula , tonsils and nasal polyps with videoshow.”
13.03.2004, Köln-GERMANY, DTM Deutsch -Türkische Medizingesellschaft e.V., “Moderne therapeutische Optionen bei chronischem Schnarchen.”
13.-14.02.2004, Antwerp-BELGIUM, 9 ‘ th International Symposium on OSAS and Snoring – Enhanced snoring treatment and sleep related disorders with ”Bipolar Radiofrequency induced Thermotherapy / RFITT)”, “Live surgery : soft palate , tongue base , turbinate , tonsils. Multilevel RFITT for enhanced snoring treatment.”
28.06.2003, Istanbul-TURKEY, 1′ st Turkish Workshop ( Celon ) on Bipolar Radiofrequency Induced Thermotherapy RFITT for ENT procedures, “RFITT of nasal turbinates RFITT of the soft palate RFITT survey of different applications & results root of the tongue, palate , uvula , tonsils and nasal polyps with videoshow. Case demonstration and LIVE SURGERY. “
05.-06.2003, Barcelona-SPAIN, Symposium Internacional de Radiofrecuencia Bipolar ( RFITT), “RFITT of tonsils and the nasal cavity. Live- Surgery.”
10.05.2003, Athens- GREECE, Athens meeting for CELONLAB ENT, “Softpalate , Turbinates and Polyps.”
19.04.2003, Antalya-TURKEY, ENT – Kulak Burun Boğaz Merkezi, “Sinüzit ve Sinobronsit tanı ve tedavisinde yenilikler.”
06.03.2003, Antalya-TURKEY, ENT – Kulak Burun Boğaz Merkezi, “Burun tıkanıklığı ve horlama.”
14.-15.02.2003, Antwerp-BELGIUM, 8th International Symposium on Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Snoring, “RFITT on turbinate , tonsils and nasal polyps and live demonstrations”. “Indications of additional procedures for snoring.”
08.11.2002, Shanghai-CHINA, Ninth People’s Hospital Shanghai Second Medical University, “Snoring and sleep apnea new technologies of diagnostic and theapy.”
15.-16.11.1997, Istanbul-TURKEY, Geleneksel 4. Haseki KBB Günleri, KBB’ de laser uygulamaları
23.-27.09.1997, Antalya-TURKEY, 24. Ulusal Otorinolarengoloji ve Baş – Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi., “Horlama ve Uyku-Apneli 450 olguda uygulanan“Laserle yapılan Uvulopalatoplasti” Operasyonu sonuçları.”
04.06.1997, Köln-GERMANY, Deutscher Berufsverband der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenärzte e.V., “Schnarchoperation: Indikation, operatives Vorgehen und Kontraindikation.”
30.09-04.10.1995, Antalya-TURKEY, Türk Otorinolarengoloji& Baş- Boyuncerrahisi Derneği, “Obstructive sleep apnea’da tanı. Mesam IV ile yapılan polisomnografi ölçüm sonuçları.”
21.04.1995, Ankara-TURKEY, Laryngo-Stroboskopie Kurs – Ankara Numune Hastanesi, “Ses bozuklukları ve Videostroboskopi Kursu.”
27.11.1993, Dusseldorf-GERMANY, Verein der türkischen Zahnärzte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., “Nasennebenhöhlenentzündungen-Erkennung, Bedeutung. Odontogene Kieferhöhlenentzündung.”
20.-25.06.1993, Istanbul-TURKEY, XV World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, “Screening of sleep APNEA with noninvasive oxymetry in outpatients of an ENT-Practice.”
02.12.1989, Ulm-GERMANY, Kurs über chronische Rhonchopathien: Diagnostik und Therapie. Veranstaltet von der Sektion für Rhinologie und Rhonchopathien, “Intubationsprobleme bei UPPP-Patienten.”
18.02.1989, Ulm-GERMANY, Kurs über chronische Rhonchopathien: Diagnostik und Therapie – ein interdisziplinäres Konzept der HNO-Abteilung und Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, “Intubationsprobleme bei habituellen Schnarchern.”
15.-19.05.1988, Nürnberg-GERMANY, 59. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf-und Halschirurgie, “Abmessungen in der unteren Gesichtshälfte, Mundhöhle, Rachen und am Hals im Hinblick auf die schwierige Intubation.”